Monday, January 14, 2019

Mouse acceleration is back

 use a MS wireless mouse and very much prefer the acceleration the MS driver provides, but you are incorrect in your thinking here. Microsoft and Apple both use mouse acceleration, and they always have. In other words, moving the mouse faster causes the distance you move the mouse to result in the pointer moving farther. This "acceleration" allows you to reach across the screen without having to move your arm across a wide distance, while still allowing you to get fine control over the position when you slow down. Without this feature, almost no one would like the way their mouse behaves. The only difference between Apple and Microsoft in this regard is the acceleration curves are different. Microsoft's acceleration appears to be flatter (less acceleration at the lower speeds and then speeds up at the higher velocities. Apple's seems too extreme to me. It feels too slow at low speeds and then gets too fast with not much intermediate tracking in between. I don't know why. Years ago I worked on a Sun workstation that had a really nice control panel for the mouse. Instead of just a speed control, it allowed you to actually create an acceleration curve to your personal taste. I wish someone would make a mouse driver with that feature for the Mac

OK, I can buy acceleration curves. We really do need to detect acceleration via a separate pre-filter, but it is not the same as having an inertial system with a acceleration variable.  My discovery process is all about finding out what really happens. More:

MouseSpeed,MouseThreshold1, and MouseThreshold2 determine when and to what extent cursor speed accelerates when the mouse moves rapidly.When the mouse moves slowly, the system moves the cursor at a constant rate that is directly proportional to the rate at which the mouse moves. But if the mouse moves faster than the value of MouseThreshold1 or MouseThreshold2, the system can respond by accelerating the movement of the cursor, so that the cursor moves two or four times as fast as the mouse.

They are using  piecewise simple linear tracker with regime change.  IO manager can use acceleration curves. As long as he human is watching the mouse is the key, it is a feed back loop..

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