Thursday, January 17, 2019

Moving the cursor

xcb_warp_pointer − move mouse pointer

xcb let's me do it, so cursor tracking by xcb or x11 is ignored, and if the graphics drivers starts jerking around the mouse driver, then it is a problem with the graphics driver.  We should all complain quite loudly about the stupidity of X11 (and MS windows). Graphics drivers have no business trying to track inputs. Rethink this issue, I think X11 really needs fixing.

We can turn off x11 trackig I hear:
Xorg -nocursor
X -nocursor
xinit -- -nocursor

startx -- -nocursor

OK, great, a start. we need this at start up? OK, can do but what about user applications that need cursor, outside of rectangles? And if I turn off cursor tacking then all cursor placement functions go away.  Fine, recreating a cursor draw is not the end of the world.  I didn't create this nightmare, Microsoft and MIT did.

There is also an x input function that might do the trick. Game developers screw the whole X thing, leaving linux out of a hug market because of this issue.

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