Sunday, January 20, 2019

My maps work

I nw have a maps.h. It tells me how to bind a call format  onto args list for one of the four or five basic ardument formats used.

For example,there is always the put and get method (or entry) , the object id and with the object arguments following. 

commmand thing var1 var2..; // Always follow that model because console loop needs entry, that is the linuc command.  Then, everything follows from the plain text identifier of the object in the snippet.

One common form is key valeu, but it must be preceded by a put get, draw, or hatever:

cmd key value; // this form isused everywhere, so it appears in maps as a type def:

typedef struct {
Key cmd;
Key key;
Val val;
} KeyValeu;

nippetsjus cast thatform onto args list, and all the foms are array f unsigned form mappable.

I have a form for plain scalar string, when some untokenized constant with no relative priority. Then I have the line and rectangle strings. This plus KeyValue gets me most of what I need. The xcb forms seem uncommon, I left them out ecxcept f r X and XY strings, which xchars uses.

I did make move cursor a generic form, though it seems t be graphics. It i not, really, it is a general object index Pop  and push need to bet here. Like templates, so ordinary we would rather jusy accept them as standard commons.

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