Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Running configurations as a single thread

That would be me, and the Linux Power Shell configuration in default.  The io manager is at the root of the process, it gets keyboard and mouse entry and forms command lines. Coonsole loop would normally just read from an fd, the way it does now, and the fd would defer to yet another fifo in io manager.

I am taking a bit of a short cut here, and will just put in a hack rather than debug another fifo path. This will be part of the hack code section, specific hacks to be removed later.

It is not clear what standards evolve because we can create a low level read and write onto arg, and just use the infinite args model to pass calls between snippets. So, hack, in many cases means, 'not sure of an evolving standard'.

Remember named segments?

It was the idea that allocated chunks of args, at the infinite end, just before we reach infinity we could allocate args heap.  Finding space in segmented array is another example of using a btree sort, and symbol table does that automatically. So named and reserved args segments should be the standard communications between  threads if we keep the Bus model throughout..

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