Saturday, January 19, 2019

Simple echo in IO manager

IO manager calls the same PutStr method in  xchars, with the same semantics ('\n' terminates line) as does flush.  So it is the same few lines of code, set up the str pointer. Point to the rectangle, except the rectangle is a one by eighty, while the flush buffer is a large window. 

As long a PutStr obeys the syntax everywhere, (it really means put line)  then any snippet can deploy a PutStr on input and over load the function by name space separation.  We get a true plug and play architecture. PutStr becomes a truly full duplex definition.

Certain reusables, I call them, have a known structure. Like KeyValue has an obvious format:

KeyValue key value;  # good for full duplex

Any snippet can be asked, what is "your opinion on Value for a particular Key".  The common format simplifying deployment of enterprise applications. We see types of names, enterprise unique, reusables on local Buses, intermediate level defined names and so on.  There is a huge market to get controls and management of name space at enterprise level.

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