Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Slowing down

I need time so the rest of the linux community can figure out IPython, Console loop, Default, and the rest.

It is not clear that the console window need be replaced with a browser, as iPython does. I think xchars is the better approach.  And I need to see some other architectures dealing with interleaved commands and sequence.

The intent is to let the standard develop for this, not really force it. I am simply trying to predict what is in or out, like upgrading file expressions, using universal interface, etc.

But macros are in in Default.  Cannot see how to avoid them, so I worked the software till macros were robust again.  I generally foul something up early in the chain when I fix something later in the chain.

No code posted, I am not posting code until something is completely tested, from now on.

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