Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Symbol table as a mathematical operator

95% of what we can index can easily indexed in a 64 bit field with little transformation. But symbol table just runs the graph in one or two dfferent recursion orders, from root. he tale mechanism is a compare and jump per rank in the table. 128 different symbols need seven test and jump, that is a low number and easy to acheive if the compile is dealing with pre-optimized c.

So, we get simple tree transformations, as I mentioned.  Put two together and you get the join system, with directed branching.

But, the enterprise can keep information pointers n a natural tree, and transform it, ad hoc, using key and value transformations.  So, tree and its links become part of the enterprise commons, a generic, and actual, mechanism to sort and arrange multitudes of reports, article, messages and soon.

We would like that someone using push and pop can read the commons and talk to tree, doing left, right, and up. A lot of this is well known to the enterprise, but their usage gets drowned in bloat, headers, quotes on quotes; we aim to fix that.  If you have a snippet that jumps a link, then come on, join the party.

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