Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The plot on Default name space

I propose using the file expression operators,.. // ./

The syntax will alow retyping these operators from Linux files o Snippet tables.

./xchars/NewWin conn win;

Will work, it means:
1) Look up xchars entry point in local table, (the ./)
then 2) take the reduced sequence:
./NewWin;, and ship that token list to the next entry point.

Repeat until it reaches a terminal.  The idea here is using high speed look p so name space costs barely more than a few instructions. But console loop offers a huge freedom, the ability to repurpose method names by running a second snippet in a different namespace. The console loop is already fort is, a few lines of code. Lett sink in, for version 2.0.

A good example are the cursor and keyboard snippets, start up another one, but keep xchars; just add the leading name space.  We can provide a using command so scipt code is all resusabl;e een though an underlying snippet has changed.

Swap cursor managers on the fly.  One rectangle has a game going, the other is your code editor, the third is command line.  This is what iPython is all about, but they got too many layers going with that browser.  The better bet is to get a slimmed down browser designed for iPython notebook, and  attach it with universal interface, then let Python main go to town. Certainly we will get QT_lite, if I have to compile one myself. Dump the browser, or more specifically, break it up into components and get the component collective going with new snippets.

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