Saturday, January 19, 2019

The power of symbol table up front

LoadModule ./xchars
NewConn conn
NewWin conn win
NewRect win rect
ChainModule ./flush xchars rect

 This is my initialization file, not script of any sort. Note, no semi colon, so this is not default. But the command symbols carry through in name space fashion. rect becomes a valid symbol in xchars, which is a valid symbol in console loop, where it is a namespace entry.  Flush can chain to xchars, and use the symbol rect, it carries over; and xchars knows the method PutStr, flush's native function.

This is all linux command format with up front symbol tables. Linux command format is really the top of the stack in syntax engines, default gives it pass through.  Environments go away, replaced with enterprise naming. 

Linux command form has, very simple, easy to flow the symbols through a list of commands.

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