Yuk,yuk. They will all want to do it. The article implies Zuck was inspired by Telegram. Telegram is just an open source version of sand ox. I don't think this idea of new coins makes sense,though, neither for Telegam nor Facebook. I would be more interested in Coinbase adopting a sandbox technology like Telegram, absent the coin. We need more liquidity in the sandboxes we have, more multi-paired coin pits.
Facebook is “hoping to succeed where Bitcoin failed” with its highly secretive cryptocurrency project, a New York Times (NYT) article published today, Feb. 28, argues.
Citing multiple anonymous sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the Times pieces together the alleged contours of the project, which will reportedly aim to integrate cryptocurrency payments into its messaging services.
Notably, Facebook plans to rehaul its messaging infrastructure and integrate its three wholly-owned apps — WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram — under one canopy. As the Times notes, this would provide a future crypto token with exposure across the combined 2.7 billion who use the three services each month.
A crypto-powered payments system that would operate from within a messaging system, the Times notes, is an idea being hotly pursued by several global messaging giants, such as Korea’s Kakao, Line in Japan, and Russian-developed Telegram.
According to NYT, Facebook launched its crypto project — led by ex-PayPal president David Marcus — shortly after Telegram had sealed close to $1.7 billion in two private initial coin offering (ICO) rounds for its forthcoming token and blockchain platform Telegram Open Network (TON).
Facebook has reportedly employed over 50 engineers to develop its cryptocurrency, three unnamed sources told the NYT. A further two told the newspaper that the importance of keeping the project under wraps is such that the relevant team has been given an office with separate key-card access to keep the details private from other employees.
The real battle now is all about prequals, regtech, and crypto badges. And make Coinbase pits available via open banking helps. It is a murky path, somewhat, given the various methods to solve the same problem, cash in advance. I am not paying attention as much as I used to.