Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Define the entry card

Entry card is a pre-qual tracker process, in the sandbox, like any other thumb printed power of attorney.

Entry card generates the entry crypto badge, valid in many sandbox pits. It can be incarnated in any generic smart card format. Entry card is targeted at a specific demographic, the poor, or young minimum wage part time ad hoc worker. Entry card trusted ledgers are the organization of charities that manage credit history and insure 10% of any cash in advance taken on the card.

Step one for any person on the bottom is go to the nearest charity and get your entry card, either in physical form or as an attachment to your existing smart card. If you are a teenager or poor, you can do ad hoc work, get paid on your card and government doesn't care, and government may even provide additional insurance. New in town, unshaven,  take the card to one of the cheap hotels. Are you illegal? I think the charities are multi-national, get a card, you deal with government, not the employer.

Entry card is a crypto badge, an accounting contract, a possible physical incarnation, a smartphone app. Anyone can take their first step into the pits with entry card.

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