Thursday, February 21, 2019

Timmy wants a media empire

What we know about Apple’s TV streaming plans

With his news deals, Timmy is doing walled garden, surrounded by iGadgets. Each of his loyal fans can pay micro fees to by bits of info.  This is where the Goldman Sachs credit card deal comes in.  Timmy gets a pastel color version of Sandbox. 

Good luck, Timmy, as a whole lot of brains are way ahead of you.
And this:
Facebook's plan to eat the $127 billion data center market swallowed $2.5 billion last year, and will soon gobble more than $10 billion a year

How is this related to Facebook? Is he going after Amazon? The cloud seems a bit separate from their bread and butter. His main thrust, is like Timmy, build walled garden.

Crap, all of it. We be having full sandbox and semantic network, speak plaint text; don't need no walls.

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