Thursday, February 21, 2019

Who and where?

Trump: "I Want 5G, Or Even 6G, Tech In The US As Soon As Possible"

We no longer do innovation in California. Most of the tech companies originate outside of California.  Normally, like Apple, we rely on the Chinese and Koreans for innovation that we can copy.

Take me, for example. I can direct all my software and math away from Silicon Valley by being politically incorrect, thus I get the stuff done by outsiders faster.  Amazon escaped NYC for the same reason. Google moving data centers out of Silicon Valley for the same reason, we all want to leave the politically correct in the bay area and move the innovation elsewhere, the world being more perfect.

Part of this is the increasing power of the drug cartels in SoCal which are a threat to us all and seem to have the support of the venezuelans in Sacramento. When was the last time we got good innovation from Mexico? 

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