Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ill defined reserve banking definition

That is what peeved me off recently.
I thought reserves meant backed by, and another Rothbarian school also claims it means time inconsistency.  I keep those separate, for one reason, you are never going to solve it, from a currency bankers point of view, by combining the businesses.

Nothing is 100% reserved because delivery is deliberately uncertain, to minimize costs. Time inconsistency is considered a banking function in traditional banking, but it is a completely different market; measuring time and space are  about insuring prequals. They made the mistake, they caused the confusion, not me.

I call it, insuring the time to completion, a sort of long drawn out insurance statistic that is peculiar to class, place, and time and person; an insurance problem.  Insurance works when the failures are a manageable short queue, then they are priced. The occasional default or hurricane is randomly known to a priceable bound.In real fiance that is whit they look at, default ratio, it is  key indicator, a queue.

Whatever currency bankers do, it has to be asynchronous market, free priced entry/exit. A representative sample is what open market means.

A crypto badge in my world is an insurance voucher. Behind the badge is a scofflaw chaser with a short default queue. So we have a published cost, using the Gluon machine, that cost gets recognized in entry and exit flow; so deposits vs loans is strictly equal risk throughout.

Gluon Corp got this nailed, I am raising the price of my news letter..

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