Friday, February 22, 2019

Gavin has an Obamacare tax ready

Newsom and his legislative allies say they want the state-level mandate to work the same way as the federal one. The goal is to encourage enough healthy people to buy coverage to offset costs from those who need expensive care.
Newsom characterized the mandate as necessary to stabilize the health care system under the Affordable Care Act in the face of the federal government’s “vandalism” of the law.
“You need that stability of the mandate because that increases the purchasing pool, which lowers your cost,” Newsom said last month when outlining his budget proposal. “Every single person in California should be celebrating that.”
This will come as a shocker. Many of the younger crowd have been taking the risk, and it makes sense for them to do so.  Next year Gavin will hit them with Obamacare taxes and the hit will fit the shans.

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