Friday, February 22, 2019

Consider CO2 abatement and homes on the coast

In a pure tort class action, home owners who have lost coastline due to sea level CO2 rise can almost measure the impact in higher insurance prices and insurance statistics themselves.  They should sue, they have evidence.  The evidence has high variance, the tort judge will take that into account, and their are appeals processes.

There is nothing about living on the coast that is inherently co2 polluting, more than any other  location. Location should be orthogonal in pre-industrial climate settings.

Who should file suit?

Florida, one assumes, but the variance there is great, the place is a sandbar anyway, and has always had sea level problems during hurricanes.  Some east coast residential districts have a better case where sea level rise and storm damage can be better statistically isolated.

But, it only works if we remove government executive and legislature, leave this strictly to tort.

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