Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Appeals court chickens out

State appellate judges expressed support Monday for requiring San Diego to financially compensate 4,000 city employees who don’t have pensions because of a 2012 voter-approved measure called Proposition B that was placed on the ballot illegally.The three-judge panel of California’s Fourth District Court of Appeal expressed reluctance to invalidate Proposition B, indicating there needs to be a separate legal process allowing for participation by citizen proponents of the measure.If the judges opt against invalidating the proposition when they issue their ruling this spring, it could delay a final resolution of the case for months or even years.
Cal courts aim to please the unions but are horrified about getting a US Supreme court overturn based on fundamental rights.  Thus, the court let the  referendum stand.

If they invalidated the referendum because a citizen exercised his rights to assemble, then the US Supremes overturn. At least they are paying attention, but they still have no basis to order a modification when the referendum was ruled invalid.  This is typical 'make shit up', which we get from uneducated judges, and that is why the courts are jammed.

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