Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Dick 'Deficits don't matter' Cheney

A grilling by Dick Cheney is just the latest example of Republicans openly fuming at Trump’s No. 2

He roasted the VP about something.

We will be asking the millennials, 'Is 4% of your salary too much for debt service?'. I can take bets on the answer, the whole thing about MMT was their first stab. The kids cannot afford the boomers, road is blocked.

Fighting Obamacare taxes, interest rate hikes, attempting to MMT a bunch of MMTers. No, the kids listen to my four five part plan: Entitlement swap, 3% progressive tax hike, 3%  defense cut, 8 trillion default, and update central bank technology. If the millennials handle it right, we can stop all these green people from melting anymore ice.

Since we are taking the fork, the senate has to choose. The alternative is the ten year tax and sequester. My plan returns 4 trillion in government efficiency, over the 15 year period, due to cash flow accounting, alone. 

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