Sunday, March 10, 2019

Gold standard vs my banking reform

It is not versus, the Fed can run both if it is independent.

If its clients want god certificates, offer them.  Otherwise, the Fed can still run a price neutral S/L currency adjuster.  Mises says so, banking needs to be competitive, so do Rothbarians.  But why get into the gold delivery business? let the priate bankers do that.

Let Fed gold certificates trade with tax dollars, nothing wrong here; the transaction costs have dropped to trivial.  Just apply congestion fees, make entry and exit observable, thus priced.

But the Fed would be running a gold delivery service, let us not forget. It is likely the Fed always prefers to be an S/L currency issuer. But in the sandbox, gold certificates from any reliable gold delivery service will trade with tax dollars. The key to 'reliable' is observable entry and exit queues for the gold, congestion based fees for gold movement.

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