Thursday, March 14, 2019

MMT in action

President Donald Trump’s tax cut and deregulatory policies boosted the economy, but it still “needs more gas in the engine,” said Allianz Chief Economic Advisor Mohamed El-Erian.Worried about a slowing economy, El-Erian urged Trump to work with Congress to pass an infrastructure bill, saying the initiative would “mostly pay for itself” due to low interest rates and the opportunity for public-private partnerships.El-Erian made the comments to Editor-in-chief Andy Serwer in a conversation that will air on Yahoo Finance on Thursday in an episode of “Influencers with Andy Serwer,” a weekly interview series with leaders in business, politics, and entertainment.
El-Erian is an official member of government debt slingers, debt cartel fellow.  Here he is, in the heart of capitalism, claiming that socialism works.  Great, let us increase progressive taxes by 3%, immediately, and  El Arian will be less socialist.

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