Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trump vs central bank

Trump Blasts Powell on Rate Hikes, QT, and the Strong Dollar at CPAC 2019

At the conservative convention, no less. If you ever doubt the inherent socialism, look at this.

The ten year rate is too high, but the Fed didn't do this, Congress did. The dollar is too strong, but the Fed didn't do this, American taxpayers did. The reserve is too high, but the Fed didn't do this, reserve currency status did this.

The Fed watches inflation in serial fashion, first the refrigerator prices, then the stock prices, the the government index.  We are at government price index, too high so the Fed is easing that Treasury can get interest charges paid.

But Congress controls the ten year rate, and it is going to get higher, already too high and housing will dump faster than before. It has jumped up 15 basis points recently, and it cannot go beyond 3%, we tested that. The goal posts have narrowed on our can kick, we are testing Euler in a been-there-done that schedule.

Been-There-Done-That yields Reform:

The Fed is getting serious about independent deposit and loan queues along with flexible corridor.  I know the Fed wants large government agencies to have independent accounts, much of the reverse triple play swap thing is about regulated enterprises not having their own accounts. It was the Fed that clued me, not visa versa.

Do these reforms, keep the system, let Congress pass the 'midnight-1972 bill', get the complete swap done, my four part plan. The bond default part of my plan offers everyone one big advantage, inflation is priced, for 15 years, we know who is doing it and we can bet the outcome. It then has a fixed entry in our sheets, inflation risk, or currency risk. The Fed has power to price that risk as we move forward if it has default authority on a long term basis.

In our abstract model, the tree trunk is rounder because the government bundle is dispersed, somewhat, for larger agencies. Not everyone gets an account, they are congestion priced. The Fed matches congestion income to default losses, maintaining one 'scofflaw' queue. Thus, as we do at Gluon Corp, the deposit to loan queues look risk matched and we get a better hologram effect, velocity equation is more accurate everywhere.

The Fed and Gluon Corp are in head to head competition, and they be good at this.

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