Thursday, May 9, 2019

By residence

Is there a way to identify gang members without racial bias? California wants an answer

It is likely that any criminal race will already be red lined to a ghetto.  Just mark the ghetto boundaries, and that is code.  Then to keep things simple,. color code the various geographies, each color representing the typical amount of crime for that race.

Red, for example, is the crime around a typical Redneck U university campus on Friday night when we let the undergrads loose. Rednecks would be red, a cop could say, 'Hey you Red Mother Frigger', and us Rednecks wouldn't even notice. Like on campus, we use Redneck all the time amongst ourselves, even named the school Redneck. But in polite society, calling us redneck to our face is like cultural approbation, uncouth. Wait, that is something else.

Here is the second LA Times story:

South L.A. was promised a Target. Millions of dollars later, it has a vacant lot

Now in my geography system we might call South LA a district with a typical crime rate. Let us color  that district brown, in our color code. So the cop at the desk could say, four patrolling the browns, like it wouldn't be racist at all. Beverly hills district would be color coded all white.

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