Tuesday, May 7, 2019

California environmentalist vs Califonnia environmenalist

The desolate beauty of the Panamint Valley has long drawn all manner of naturalists, adventurers and social outcasts — including Charles Manson — off-road vehicle riders and top gun fighter pilots who blast overhead in simulated dogfights.Now this prehistoric lake bed is shaping up to be an unlikely battleground between environmentalists and battery technologists who believe the area might hold the key to a carbon-free future.
In California these debates end in the solution that generates the most CO2 pollution.   In this mild climate, CO2 pollution is always the cheapest seat for environmentalists.  Let me go though the list of environmentalists polluting.

  • Sierra club convincing the Cal legislature to regulated PGE tree trimming yielding forest fires.
  • California price fixing energy via PGE
  • The San Jose Light Rail, a permanent co2 pollution source.
  • More than a billion of bullet train money went to useless bribes.
  • And writing Elon a check to cover the co2 cost of lithium mining.

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