Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How many revisions to the Fed?

Since Congress authorized it I get about four, up to 1972. No big deal, technology changes, imbalances are built in and no one's fault. And we do it, once a generation. It should not be cause of war, and it has not been, we another cause of war. The defaults are never complete, the return trade in reform well balancing. Natural, natural, natural.

Want to know some causes of war? How about mass psychos? We suffered it. Look at these pics of mammals being shocked.
This is shocking to humans and most mammals. Rats dig it.  Seriously, especially when it is unexpected, like happen suddenly from 1910 to 1928. Put a nation of males under this shock, and they will bust out, to the torment of their neighbors.

Development of taxi bots and bus bots are mental health issues, the bots make is smooth, get you from behind the wheel and communicate with each other. Transport bots are a big win.

And pure green. With the bots we are trading sand for smoother traffic flow, a big win on CO2 pollution. Bots coordinate, they actually bid and ask in open market for space using crypto quarters, my new invention, a follow on from crypto pennies. So, this is sandboxed managed, open pit trading of traffic spots, and traffic variance conserved and priced. A double sided Shannon channel packing problem, sandbox natural.
Frig! Sandbox be everywhere. Isn't the bidirectional Krugman trade channel the same packing problem?

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