Monday, May 6, 2019

In support of a well regulated militia

Under Booker’s proposal, which represents the most aggressive set of gun control policies yet unveiled by a 2020 candidate, anyone seeking to buy a gun would have to undergo a gun safety course and sit for an interview in order to obtain a 5-year gun-owners license.
Against Thomas, just argue that this literal interpretation of the phrase is perfectly legitimate.  There is no intent to deny possession, there is every right to insure gun owners follow proper, regulated militia control of arms.

If Thomas tries to imply more settled law, simply point out that this is the most literal interpretation and was meant to over ride past customs. Otherwise, the written word of the Constitution no longer takes precedence, a self violation.

Thomas will try to push an unbearable burden on the gun right, but it is clearly written as a burden on gun ownership, and the unbearable part leaves wide discretion to the legislature. I got this nailed.

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