Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Mueller agrees with me

As the Russia investigation heated up and threatened to shadow Donald Trump’s presidency, he became increasingly concerned. But the portrait painted by special counsel Robert Mueller is not of a president who believed he or anyone on his campaign colluded with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.Instead, the Trump of the Mueller report is gripped by fear that Americans would question the very legitimacy of his presidency. Would Trump, the man who put his name on skyscrapers and his imprint on television, be perceived as a cheater and a fraud?
Right. Trump knew, Mueller new, no collusion. Trump felt inferior as a hotel salesman, and wanted a hotel in Moscow, and got over this inferior complex by making  hotels a foreign policy, and I said, why not? We have frigged up every other foreign policy, let us try hotels.

But when Mueller meant Trump felt paranoid, he really meant Hillary. This was all about Hillary and the mass hysteria. This was something about mass therapy, a cleansing from the start. There was no issue with obstruction, Trump then and now protects all the political misdemeanors. He is, was and I hope, continues to be a hotel salesman.

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