Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Mueller discovered his therapy was not quite enough

Lots of eyes have been opened over the past two days in regards to Mueller’s behavior.That behavior made it increasingly clear that the special counsel was more concerned with media perception and sliming Trump than the bottom line conclusions. This culminated in a “bombshell” letter that was leaked by Mueller (there’s no other logical possibility) purporting to show that he was upset with how AG Bill Barr had characterized the report.In reality, it was actually just a whiny, made for media complaint that Barr hadn’t done the dirty work for the special counsel in the absence of Mueller not having the courage to recommend charges for Trump. Mueller wanted the report to come out piece-meal and serve as a roadmap for impeachment and Barr wasn’t going to play his games.
Under the assumption that this investigation was mostly about calming down the Hillary hysterics; then we can see the hysterics are not quite over.  Hillary voters are still freaked, freaked enough to jam up the government system.

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