Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Pompous and Bolton show

Deputy of Venezuela's Guaido arrested and dragged away by tow truck

I think we have a new form here, the Shakespearian, political opera. It has all the mis-directions that creates contradictions in the plot, and decisive trend to resolution. A great set of characters. I have no name yet, but iknow the theme a bariton solo called Maduro's Meanderings', a lament from our main character.  I have Pompous and Bolton, plotting in duet, make them alto, just feminine enough.

Trump character will be pure jazz, folic and devil may care, the governor in Blazing Saddles. redone as the silly master of the house. He will always sneak into the bathroom to tweet, his wife mistaking this for some hidden masturbation. Pompous and Bolton have a silly side plot to grab the bad debt and use US aircraft carriers to collect.

End the end, Ivanka runs off with the local author and comedian, the only sane one in the group.

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