Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Rednecks are cool again, says actual political scientist

For all these reasons, Kaufmann [actual political scientist]—whose book has been hailed by intellectuals such as Andrew Sullivan and Tyler Cowen—believes that politicians must accept and even accommodate white grievances. “If politics in the West is ever to return to normal rather than becoming even more polarized, white interests will need to be discussed,” he writes. “In an era of unprecedented white demographic decline it is absolutely vital for it to have a democratic outlet.” Kaufmann says that “politicians should set [immigration] levels that respect the cultural comfort zone of the median voter,” and he is open to the possibility of long-term refugee camps and a border wall to placate native majorities. He also thinks that liberals should be more tolerant of those who openly express pride in their whiteness.
Identity tribes for all, according to his theory.  He is also a camp town fan. Then there is the necessity of having a white guy to sort out the mess made by all the other multicultured, multigendered. White people have the ice gene, they do abstract thinking.

Here are actual white people in their natural habitat:

It is hard to believe actual white people lived in such depraved surroundings.  In California we have racial restrictions against whites, unless they are governor and pay the bills.

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