Monday, May 6, 2019

Slope sets a current record

The momentary lapse in trade fakery crumpled stocks and set the slope from cash to ten year at 4 basis points. Want a job as primary dealer?  Forget about making a sustainable transaction fee.  Xi is sending the delegation, but it is not helping.

Trump has a strategy in the market.  When the market is buoyant and high, he pounds on China. That keeps the stock bubble in check, lowers the ten year rate for budget purposes.  I note he also agrees with almost any spending plan put before him. That give him some upward pressure on the ten year to play with.  And sanctions galore.

What is this about?

Trump reads my my blog, he agrees with me on the MMT process. He plans on a better Nixon. In fact, we are doing much better version of Nixon, better than Trump expects.  We will find the future is estimated beyond the MMT moment, quite accurately and planning cycles match goods cycles, about twice as better as before. Predicted gains computable, costs expensed over the next 30 years, we will have extra corridor space. Trump is right about one thing, no one to blame, it is a constitutional error, like prohibition.

We are getting  glimpse of the second contract, and 'right to coin' expenses will have dropped, again by half.  All of this simply due to adding 15 year self sample which removes a lot of the 'right to coin' bias. Our DSGEs will be more accurate. We can say that accounting requires the next entitlement swap soon. What we do is an obvious NASB accounting requirement.

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