Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Supporting a Well Regulated Militia?

More Than 1,000 Guns Found in Bel-Air Home During Investigation ...

Not in conformity with part one of the two part Second Amendment. This is equivalent to any other private violation of constitutional rights. Slavery, kidnapping, robbing me of a well regulated militia. Felony, punishable by life.

Mr. Hogg can use this tool, run NRA nuts out of town.

Whose rights were violated? The neighbors, with that much unknown fire power it is doubtful their needs for a well regulated militia can be met. It could have turned into a hour long gun battle, the residents trapped in an unregulated, defenseless zone. The gun owners had a duty to connect their business, in a militia command hierarchy, to local regulated militia, like the cops.  Thus, the issue of an error goes way down, the gun owners already pre-communicating as a regulated militia.

From the Supremes point of view, this is about setting a precedence on the Second, accepting the Second in its literal interpretation, thus a right; guaranteed access to regulated militia. The literal interpretation and a majority is sufficient to over rule history and over ruling the fat dead, Italian. From then on, it is hard to re-instate history, as your success is now history, the first part becomes a historical settled law.

This case in Bel Aire is a good start, a class action suit against the bun owners in the home, claim a right violation. We might even get the vote of that stupid little rich kid.  I am starting a law firm, Redneck Law. And we need a Law school at Redneck U. 

Remember Citizens United, shareholders two steps from the crime  feel violated? If that bozo move passed, then this approach is much more solid. 

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