Friday, May 10, 2019

When the cops come to my home

Let us assume I have an arms dealer or two in the surrounding homes, across the corner maybe. Part two of the Second

When the cops come to my home, to protect me, they have the third patrol watching their backs, as there is an arms dealer business going on.  I have restricted access to a well regulated militia. Part one of the Second.

If my neighbor's rich uncle from Nigeria shows up, I would expect his body guards to have some well regulated arms handy.  Part two.

The so called alternative view is that we all just carry around randomly owned weapons of various types, then suddenly, at a bugles call, we assemble.  That view was never in history. The real intent is that gun owners would pre-organize a bit into a militia command so the arms are actually available for common defense when needed. Well regulated is well implied, do not listen to fat Italians.

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