Sunday, September 1, 2019

Mattis quit because I wasn't paying for his war

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis says President Donald Trump’s announcement to pull U.S. troops out of Syria “absolutely” triggered his resignation — a move that so angered the president that he fired him rather than keep him during a transition period.
In his first television interview on CBS's "Sunday Morning" about his December 2018 resignation, Mattis said “I disagree” with the Syria troops' withdrawal, explaining “we need to maintain enough influence there that we don’t see the same thing that happened when we withdrew from Iraq.”

None of the Swampers are qualified to send troops abroad for long periods. That crew back there suffers from way too may deficiencies for me to write a tax check. Most of California agrees.
If swampers are disgraced by their allies,I do not care, the Swamp is not my friend.

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