Saturday, September 21, 2019

More drone wars

Drone Swarms to Storm Beaches: Marine General
The Marine Corps wants to deploy swarms of drones ahead of troops during amphibious operations in coming years.
The concept, incorporating Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology, or LOCUST, developed by the Office of Naval Research, would bring a flotilla of weapons, including underwater drones, unmanned surface vessels and underwater mine countermeasures.

Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh, the service's commanding general for combat development, on Tuesday detailed the plan, with hopes it would not only slow down the enemy but save Marines' lives.
We end up with indeterminate, endless drone war on the beach, the marines end up waiting behind the lines. The V22 Ospry is now worthless. The weaker side will produce drones endlessly, this is the easiest method to forestall an attack. The stronger side keeps its complex systems held back, to be deployed after the drone war. So the drone war will never end, the stronger side has no opportunity to deploy the complex systems and suffers the losses.

Defense budgeting becomes a nightmare. It soon becomes clear to Congress that these complex systems may never be used, and the threat potential they have must be downgraded. Thus, Congress will be in no particular hurry to keep these complex programs funded.

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