Sunday, September 1, 2019

Poor people are not large CO2 users

Kevin Drum on yet another New Green Deal
I’m less enamored with his carbon tax and dividend proposal. It’s true that the regressive nature of a carbon tax is a problem, but simply returning the money to low-income families means the carbon tax will probably have little value in reducing carbon emissions. This is the worst of all worlds: a carbon tax that will generate public opposition but not really accomplish much.
Kevin has a fouled up economic education the Kanosians gave him. 

Carbon taxes are taken away from the excessive users of CO2 and given to the diminutive users of CO2.   Kevin is still stuck on saving some carbon taxes so his people can get CO2 subsidies, avoid the fate.

This is the show stopper, no more of this Diane Feinstein Fake Green Deal. True Greenies know the score, AOC intends to melt a shit load of ice, make no mistake about it, AOC is doing the same fraud that Diane used, and Kanosians are urging her on. One of the greatest frauds in history.

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