Monday, May 4, 2020

It is about relativity, again

Note the antibody profile, it is a distribution of counters, 4,5,7. The idea is they can find chunks of virus before virus can self repair. These are error counts. In theory, he docs can keep batches in the three counters, then when finding the likely closed solution that wins the market, the doc inject the proper ratios, a universal food for white food cells..

First assay the blood for survival antibodies along the three axis, in quantity. Then duplicate the ratio with the smallest ratio that fit the human profile. If all the complements are done right, you will mostly get virus killed and leastlty kill other things. Because, on the margin, you can always gain on the virus, more than you lose.  Having all three counters lowers the damage macrophage is doing.

Take the white cell genome. Divide it by five and separately by seven. Le the macrophage be four, on is own. The segmented strings of each counter make the new antibody, simple. The more complex the virus, the more exposure it has, the is the Markov conjecture, for any z=c, there is an x and y.

Error updates only tell you the next path, one step ahead. Hence, the far simpler problem, we rely on relative equal access to the market, so to speak, to fairly quickly catch up to the virus.

The more I look.  This is correct, the docs need to see this as feeding the animals.   There can only be two dimensions to worry, one to a resolution o 1/5 and one to 1/7.  They have to be factors of the original genome, and relatively prime.  We win the battle on the surface of the virus via momentum, we cheat on the margin.  Or you can create your own set, as vaccines or as antibodies. The doc just need to induce just enough congestion to win the battle on the surface, tying to match shape is a waste of time.  Docs should be able to tune this with some discretion, occasionally missing the optimum path but winning the surface battle. They control a small two dimensional space, on the margin, and have control of N in a four color.  The macrophage have free run, for now. This is a win all around. This is almost provable at this point.

Forget the virus. The question is how can we subdivide the white cell genome.  The answer is with the longest strings we can find that still win on the surface. When the docs takes a selected subset, he induces a global taste preference and can exhaust capacity, the transaction costs are not zero.   He wants to difference  concentrations of the longest market of ot primes, it he can. But do not get sentimental, these are pigs that need feeding and if you cheat, fine.

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