Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Banking for Blacks

My second reform for Blacks after Dinner for Parents only at the local school, twice weekly.

Here is howe Banking for Blacks works.  Every Black person gets a smart card and the place has ATMs.  But it is disconnected from the Fed except on account entry and exit. I guarantee every Black in the community and optimum liquidity pricer with cash in advance based on the partition of local deposits and loans.

Call this step two.  This solves another whole bunch of problems, Blacks now get to keep track of the kids and the community on a sustainable basis. My expenses so far? Some cafeteria workes and a few bucks in electricity. I see that as half the problem, gone, poof. If you let me use the Blacks as a representative sample, I can find all their best partitions and greatly simplify their lives.

Mathematically Blacks are a great group, they tend to close in density communities, a mathematicians delight. And all positive definite, no imaginary people. Having now been given permission to study their plight, e can color them, make white! (Pun intended).

Loans to deposits, parents to kids,  Cops per person.  All of these are set partitions, the grist.

Take cops, what do we know? If Blacks see little crime they want fewer of them. If Blacks live in gunshot neighborhoods, they want more of them.

Guns? My police reform requires them their duty, preserve a regulated militia. Gun control is not protected by the Fed, the regulated militia is the fundamental.  Gun control to the local militia, in association with other like police forces under regulated scrunity.  That has to be closed, lunatics on the Supremes need to quit making shit up as the Blacks are the one losing out on jammed courts.

Social workers free to roam all they want. The key is to understand that step one is a repeatable adjustment in the process, it maintains white by deviation count.

All about making over the counter transactions work for Blacks.

Separate but equal

Make this do some of the work. In a separate police force, the cops all share the same training, good or bad. This is a uniform, in both ways, service. Cops can still join the union, but the local Black (and some other colors maybe) elect the police chief, and his force shares resources with other forces.

Second Amendment, what it really means and do not put gun control to those nuts, Roberts will legalize robot gunners.


It is about parents and schools, like about 70% of the gain is parental involvement. You need parents to meet schools on a mostly regular adjustment period.


Fair, free, secure, local S&L. Disconnected from the Fed. If government wants to inject cash, do it here via the pit boss contract.  We do all this stuff, secure.

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