Thursday, June 4, 2020

History is not a perfect rhyme

Violent Protests in 1968 Helped Elect Richard Nixon. Will Today's Protests Help Trump?

For the boomers this is a 'done there been that'.  I think they are one step ahead.  This is Nixon in 1971, just before the defaults. Pretty sure we will get an LBJ this time, sort of reversed.

If I am correct, then Trump has only a few months to get his defaults in, otherwise who knows since Biden is fairly clueless. Most likely Biden and most governments will be facing declining tax revenues and COLA mandated spending, an impossible combination.

So we will rhyme until the who know point, the frontier. Hopefully we will have banished the flat earthers before the defaults. The definite sticking point, if we get another batch of know noting small state senators then likely we have a much worse mess.

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