Monday, June 8, 2020

Let's invade Arkansas

The Hysterical Debate over Federal Troops

Arkansas is the problem, Gov Hutchinson is the one responsible for sending us the idiot, they are in insurrection.  The state is no longer economically viable, and they are a drag on the nation. 

If National Review wants to invade the domestic USA, I suggest Arkansas.  It has the advantage that the US Army is likely to fail in invading California, and this is an easy battle for our expensive military.

Which state does the National Review want to invade? If they want another easy target, how about Vermont for sending us their idiot?  

OK, lets us hear different votes.  Invade Texas and arrest Abbot for mass murder? The army might also take Rick Scott into custody for the same charge, mass murder.  The army can invade Illinois but they will have to pay the pension costs.

But the simpler task would be to invade the National Review and shut the commie rag down permanently, save us from their webathon.

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