Thursday, November 5, 2020

Kevin Drum wants another round of mass psychotherapy

Republicans still need to come to grips with how Trump took over their party, but Democrats need to come to grips with the fact that they remain a generally unloved alternative.

Leave the rest of us out of this mental therapy.

It is the Krugman zombies needing therapy then the Kudlow zombies needing therapy. But the mental illness is induced by the same zombies, it is a self perpetuating cycle. The ultimate cause is fraud, both sets of zombies pretending a form of government that does not exist.

We have a dual government, large states vote their internal spending and taxes, small states vote their earmarks. The divide presents it self in the House vs Senate trades that get things passed.  Enough said, this is how government and ballots work. My aopologies to all the philosophers.

The philosopher zombies are mostly concerned with mollifying the mental illness induced by the previous set of zombie philosophers. This alternation of hysteria will continue, but it is not a problem except for the fools who believe zombie philosophers. 

The real problem is simple,  we cannot make change with earmarks.  Earmarks are a poor form of shadow banking, a way to get bills passes with 'secret' payments. We want to move earmarks from the shadows and turn them into cash so small states can make change and are less volatile. A simple change, in fact, making change is why cash works.  But we need a pause in the alternation of hysteria. Stopping the hysteria and soul searching for a moment allows smart governors of small states to reveal themselves safely without being bombarded by the minority of mentally ill  philosophers.  

It all depends on governors getting a clue.  We can see Newsom getting tiny clues. He philosophized a budget assuming federal bailouts. Now he has introduced hysteria among the die hards.  But he figured something out. The governor of Wyoming as figured something out. We have two Nobels who figured something out.  We want these folks to step forward and say,'Hey, I figured something out', and skip the philosopher frauds, the mental therapies and staged hysterias.

Even Delong gets tiny clues, he is the one who accidentally gets things right when he said just bribe them. That remark causes me to consider revenue sharing and another economist noted we did revenues sharing in the 70s after the Nixon devaluation. I didn't discover this, philosophers with momentary lapses into honesty is enough.

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