Thursday, May 8, 2014

Separable combintations and strong divisibility


Given a positive integer sequence {a n}, where n = 1,2,3,…, we replace n! in the defining form
(nr)=n!r!s!,  r+s=n
of the binomial coefficients with an=anan1a2a1 , where we define a0=1 . When the resulting numbers
[nr]=anaras,  r+s=n
are all integers, we call them the generalized binomial coefficients defined by {a n}, and the sequence {a n} a Raney sequence. In particular, the Fibonacci sequence {F n} is a Raney sequence, and the generalized binomial coefficients defined by it are called Fibonomial coefficients.

Find the separable sets of all combinations, and you have primes.

Another clue:
Alexander Bogomolny
For every integer n > 0 there exists an n-digit integer, with digits 1 and 2, divisible by 2n

Strong divisibility.

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