Friday, May 23, 2014


Here he is, and that is his equation. I am going to talk about that equation as a description of things we know are unmeasurable and where they show up in the atom.

I am learning greek:
 Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; Greek: Ψι Psi) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet

That function, in coordinates relative to the center of the proton, describes where unobervables will pop up. The H on the right side are the accepted laws of electro dynamics; magnetism and electron 'fields'.

Before we go on, let me say that my theory has unobservables, namely the precision  of the most irrational number, which is really the variation in the number of bubbles within a unit of density, given by the precision of the proton; which is determined by the need to avoid the Higgs density.

Anyway, I go on in a moment. Why would physicist want to describe what they do not know as a probability function?  First, they are right, there is an absolute level of uncertainty. Second, since they are right in the first part, the probability distribution is still very useful, since engineers and chemists would be just as uncertain.

The left side if the equation has time, which I can say, with certainty, is the fixed sequence of events needed for a flat space to dissipate a magnetic field. That definition is the closest match to any fixed sequence for the problem they are dealing with.

The i, the imaginary number is simply a math trick used to deal with measurement orthogonal to the real number line.  The physicists know the rules of unobservables, and they can fit them onto the imaginary plane and perfomr simpler math.

So, any obervable change will appear in the H, and the Psi collects the unobserbales. The small h, on the left, is one unit of unobservability, and engineers have measured that very well with respect to the laws of engineering, the E on the right.

Assigning a change in t to a change in the magnetic gradient makes special since because the magnetic gradient is the most observable, generally curling out side of the atom.  So when on unit of magnetic change occurs, one unit of uncertainty is introduced, and the uncertainties and certainties must be re-distributed by the right side of the equation.

If you move the psi from the right side to the left, what you have, then, is the derivative of the log of psi.

The H, the engineering approximation is all written in units of electron charge. So, taking the integral of the Hamiltonian over all positions gives us the total energy, twice, distributed on a surface of locations where the electron will be equally likely to  appear.  That yields Lof(psi) which in  the bubble system is simply a power series, and its log is simply the polynomial exponent of spectra in the base of the most irrational number. But in our case, we are sampled data, the total energy is the power spectrum, denominated in units of Higgs uncertainty. The spectrum should be Planck shaped.  The wavelengths denominated in the factors generated from our power series, composed of the grwoup separators.  I would think that is the easiest approach.  The band limits should prevent us from entering 'gamma' territory where we exceed the Higgsl limit. The total energy should be the proton precision. And, I think, we allocate spectra in by powers such that we minimize Gauss.

We have certain rules of circular symmetry to meet in allocating spectra, but we would map everything in the proton, fromthe quarks and gluons to the surrounding magnetic field.  Basically we have replace the Hamiltonian with a minimizing spectral functions.

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