Friday, May 9, 2014

Is the Null bubble the smallest or the medium size?

I dunno, I was hoping the difference could be proved by a topologist. I can think on it. My assumption is really that the two bubbles that exchange with Null are different size, there is nothing so far in my theory that requires the smallest to be the Null. I actually started off with the Null as the smallest, and only changed schemes so I could use the human concept of negative and positive. How about a scheme where we have three sizes and everyone wants to exchange down in size? That might work the same also, I dunno, haven't thought it through.


I am just interested that maximum entropy methods seem to have solved the prime number problem, and whether I should pursue that. So far, my prime number rules seem to work. I am astounded that after hundreds of years no one ever thought that primes are an outcome of making efficient groups. They are not some magic set of numbers, they simply are indicators that we use the evenly spaced number system with efficiency. I have to keep repeating that to myself and to others, a simple truth has escaped us all this time? Try counting in fives. 1,5,10,15,20,... See if you get the same primes, you won't, unless you convert back to counting in ones.
Why don't we count in fives? Because we are single handed and use one hand generally to hold one thing. So counting by ones is more efficient. Get it?
And I have to keep mentioning. Primes appear in physics because we use efficient integers to count things in the world. The vacuum, itself, has a slightly curved number line. Their prime accuracy is not even close to vacuum noise. That is why we have degenerate particles and spurious radiation.

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