This chart is the denominator in the product form of the Zeta below for the value of s in the X axis. When that value gets close to 1.0, then the prime is accurate, and when two primes get more close to 1.0 than the precision of the Higgs and Heisenberg exponents (107 and 127), then I assume they are not stable.
Now, I made these primes, the bubbles did not, so I keep reminding myself that I just mapped a number line that shows a separation we know exists in the quark machine. I know the quark machine is separable because they map to primes like 13 and 17, and the others below those. The primes appear as additives in the wave numbers within the quark machine, exponents of the most irrational base.
So, I look at the error from 1.0 for both of 13 and 17 at Einstein's 3/2 on the chart. They seem to both be separable from each other by an amount equal to the Higgs precision.
What is that denominator? The precision with which that prime can measure fractions, especially the fractional difference from their neighboring primes. From the perspective of bubbles, this precision is equivalent to some large number of bubbles. In other words, the proton is a bubble spreader, splitting up the bubbles so the phase bubble have enough of a quorum to claim their piece of the proton machine.
So, my question to mathematicians everywhere. What is the key? Is it the precision of the bubble sizes relative to each other? Does it matter if the bubbles go 1,2,3; in size. Can I have one large null bubble, and two phase bubbles nearly the same size, but precisely different? Or is it always the case in number lines that this particular relationship will be a trap for bubble mechanics? Is it simply the result of having a finite multiply all the time?
I guess the other question. Since I found all these numbers counting up from zero, what does that mean? If I can do it, why cant the bubbles, why did they not spend time with a huge blob of a proton before advancing on to the Higgs density? Or did they? Did the vacuum agglomerates just rush right up to Higgs, then count down?
A quick shout out to Wolfram Math World. Doing great work, especially with Hurwitz Theorem.
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