Monday, May 19, 2014

What about the shoe industry?

Space Mixing:
Today, the search for a unified field theory has been replaced by loftier goals. Physicists are now looking for a so-called Theory of Everything (TOE) which will unify not only electromagnetism and gravity, but also the nuclear interactions and other potential physical forces such as inflation and "dark energy". At the time of Einstein, modern particle physics had not yet been developed and the strong and weak nuclear interactions were not well understood.

The theory of finite counting includes all of the above plus the shoe industry. Can't beat that.
This is Thoman Manz idea in which he starts:
he collection of all space is called the mu ltiverse. Why is it necessary to distinguish between the terms multiverse and universe? A universe is defined as any collection of galaxies and intergalactic objects arising from a common Big Bang explosion.

So, right away he is dividing by zero. But he goes on to work set theory, which is a good idea.  Separability in set theory is equivalent to a log function induced, and that is not a bad place to start. He then talks about existence, the equivalent of countability, and separability by properties. Read induced primes. Still, not bad. He then goes on to define the a wave number, not bad. Then he does describe the set function called prime, still pretty good. Then gets a logical definition of entropy, I am getting excited.

But then he goes all continuous on us, not realizing that there is the optimum finite number. He has to figure out that finite sets imply finite precision. He will, he will fix the theory, I am sure. The definition of 'set' should be something that cannot go to zero in anyone's grammar.

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