Friday, January 26, 2018

Consider food stamps and tax dollars

The new system treats them exactly the same. They are independent currencies, both supported by the standard, intelligent cash card.

For food stamps, the customer goes to the food stamp office, verifies a thumbprint, then touches the food stamp icon with their standard cash card. The contract is made. Same as the tax dollar, the same as frequent flyer, btc,....

Good idea? Not my call, I would try it though. From the sandbox perspective, just keep the contracts finite, priceable at queuing points,  and have timeouts. Statistical pre-qualification is the rule to support cash in advance, but there can be exceptions by default. All queue lengths equally observable by all trading bots.

Otherwise the sandbox view is try anything, see what sticks.

Apply some venture capital rules

Company is selling you a new wallet technology, ask: Does it do food stamps? If the pitch includes a 'coin', ask them what it counts.  Good coins counts real stuff.  If they claim to be a fancy transaction server, ask to see their ten page routing protocol.  If they know all about trading pits, ask why they are different from micro-priced IP buffer space.

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