Sunday, January 28, 2018

So consider the shopkeeper applications, in total

These are th intelligent card apps that local shopkeepers run on a stand alone basis, credit,  including loans and deposits, all based around goods at the store, by contract.  So, shopkeeper apps give the shopkeeper a 'transmission' such that is can rate down the cost of fiat ledger calls, get more fiat ledgered for a given fee.

We can include some pre-ordering of goods, tying the shop keeper apps to his whole sellers supply for further gain.

How to regulate?

We have legal personal contracts between the shopkeep and the fiat regulators.  We all have thumb printed the bots, and the bots can be cleared as regulation safe, prior to deployment.  We have pros in regtech, these pros can preclear a whole range of shopkeeper apps for regulatory safety.

Remember, we have observability rules, regulator bot watches the show in run time as needed. So we would expect to see a few billion dollar companies working on shopkeeper applications, doing segments of these apps in isolation and going through the usual integration phase.

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