Monday, January 29, 2018

The crypto contracts industry

Huge, billion dollar businesses dealing with escrow liquidity and legality.

We need to know how to minimize the amount if 'gas' we need to power escrow contracts through a network of queues, (ledgers trading pits, fixed priced, central banking).

Today this industry is called 'contracts', a practically uncountable skill set in the modern economy.  Tomorrow much of the work will be off line statistical estimation, running a contract against some other sets of contracts, proving stable state completion and minimizing steps to remove unnecessary calls to market.

This industry needs bearer assets. In the same way that the processor needs the look ahead pipelining.  The escrow routers  remove costly loops in the protocol interactions.  It is grease, the system jams without it.   Complex interactions are decomposed into a series of cash transactions, calls to market are the cost of keeping cash accurate, maintaining the virtual denomination algebra. So the connection, a contract, we hope, generates a set of typical outcomes, if the market interactions generate a quotient algebra, is the term.  Thus the human trader has a bounded set of outcomes and knows bounds on matchingerror through theoriocess.  Trade book uncertainty fairly shares, and minimized. Bearer assets needed.

What about us?

Pay a small insurance fee and sign on to a great escrow service. Do most of your trades with your favorite trading router.  As long as you have the standard secure cash card with pre-qualified cash advance enabled. 

If you cannot find a good service, contact Redneck Trading Systems, we keep track of the good escrow services.

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