Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Let me convince Krugman of sandbox

Bubble, Bubble, Fraud and Trouble, by Paul Krugman, NY Times

He is basically complaining about bitcoin, that is fine. What about the total sandbox? Here is the thing for all the so called liberals who think money must be a monopoly. 

Skip the monopoly debate, Paul, and focus on this.  I can put a $50 intelligent cash card in the hands of every underprivileged kid in America.  With that card, the underprivileged can agree, by enforceable contract, to watch his spending a little, and I can give him credit.  Instantly, upon acquisition of the card this kid has increased his personal assets, he or she gets a savings and loan account that earns even money.  

Our current rop of liberals are charging these same folks 1.5% ATM fee to use the government cash, I am dropping that down to a quarter a point for everyone. My question to the progressives is simple: Why do you pretend to monopoly banking when the pretend is an excuse to take from the poor and give to the rich?

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