Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Half the story

Everyone can see the federal shutdown is reducing some public services but California legislators are turning a blind eye to their state’s own shutdown. Public schools in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose and other urban centers are providing just a fraction of full services, resulting in understaffed classrooms, underpaid teachers, and fewer arts, science, math, and other classroom offerings. One result is that the poor and minority students that make up a large share of those urban districts underperform poor and minority students in other states that spend much less per student.
OK, he has the pension problem. He misses he other problem, school boards went on a planned corruption spree overbuilding everywhere during the government subsidies.  Construction companies and school boards were one in the same, the  usual county corruption in California.  Hence, we get more useless space and less funds to fill it with useful stuff.

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